I'm having a New Year clear out to make room for new shapes and have new and second hand boards for sale.
V-Fish 5'8" x 20 1/4 x 2 5/8
Brand New
Opaque cream resin tint top and bottom, inlaid fabric patch and double black and white pin lines.
Price includes a custom set of Glass keel fins
Usual price £510 selling for £310
Diablo 5'10" x 20 1/2 x 2 1/2
Brand New
Clear Glassing with a black resin Stripe.
Price includes a custom set of Glass Quad fins
Usual price £480 selling for £300
Diablo 6'2" x 21 1/4 x 2 1/2
Brand New
Clear glassing with a spray on the bottom
Price includes a custom set of Glass Quad fins
Usual price £480 selling for £300
Diablo 6'2" x 21 1/2 x 2 3/4
Used (e-mail for details)
Clear glassing
Price includes a custom set of Glass Quad fins
Asym 7'0" x 20 1/4 x 2 5/8
Used (e-mail for details)
Opaque resin tint, pale blue deck and rails with sand bottom
Fins not included
Please e-mail for more info, photos of any of the boards.
please spread the word to anyone that might be interested.
More to follow