Monday, 31 May 2010

Tail slide, high speed Jibe

Been enjoying the sunshine, waves and digging out my small wave boards that have been collecting dust all winter. i built this channel bottom Twinzer over four years ago and it is still the magic board of my quiver. for me it's as good as twin fin surfing gets. 

Friday, 28 May 2010


saw this on the Numb Skulls blog and thought that it is worthy of reposting. 
a short film about guys making the most of an otherwise wasted resource.

Cannonball from California is a place. on Vimeo.

Empire at Bathseba

Empire surfboards are now available from the good people at Bathsheba Surf in Perranporth.
If you are in the area, stop by and have a look.

Thursday, 27 May 2010


I got a nice postcard from Nick Radford, i lent him a couple of boards for his Hebridean trip.

Tuesday, 25 May 2010

Dave's new ride

I had the pleasure of surfing with Dave Beckitt at the weekend, he also dropped by the factory to check out his new board. i've lifted this picture from his blog Numbskulls, (hope that you don't mind Dave.)

Was great to meet you and i'm looking forward to catching up when you collect.

Monday, 24 May 2010

Stack em high

Nick and Mark loading loading up for the long drive home.
I'm not sure that proton had this kind of aerodynamic addition in mind.

new home for the old Mode

My 9'8" Mode is heading for a new life in the north east with its proud owner Mark.
Thanks Mark, i hope that she serves you well.

Sunday, 23 May 2010

Mode for Fluid Concept

9'8" Mode with a double resin tint and a black band heading for Fluid Concept in the north east coast.

Wednesday, 19 May 2010

6'2" for Marco

Marco asked me to build him a high performance short board for summer, so applying my principles of speed and flow I've designed him this compact foiled out slice of foam. with increased surface area, efficient planing and decreased rail volume this board will fly.

Sunday, 9 May 2010

Tom's 6'3"

Tom and his 6’3” fresh back from the Mentwais.

Applying philosophies of flow, glide and speed to minimalist, high energy, close tolerance shapes. I’m working on a new range of boards that maintain these core principles but are design to turn squarer and ride vertically in the pocket. More to come…

thanks Tom for the photos 

Tuesday, 4 May 2010

Sheep surfing a Mode

The Mode is so easy to ride, even a sheep has no trouble trimming.


Tom and the boys from Finisterre messy about with a sheep at the beach.
(not that video, the other one..)

Monday, 3 May 2010

New on-line shop!

Please visit our new on-line shop at
There are new boards and a few bargains to be had.
Happy shopping...

a little bit of history (well.., history through the lens of the surf mags)

Nick has been having a clear out and was kind enough to send me a couple of his late seventies and early eighties magazines. there are some great articles in there including an interesting interview with Simon Anderson talking about his thruster design in Dec 81. i'll post a few photos over the next couple of weeks.